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Meet Our F.A.S.T. Brigade Instructors
At F.A.S.T. Brigade, our training courses are a synthesis of extensive real-world experiences, meticulously crafted by some of America's most distinguished veterans and tactical experts. We're more than just instructors; we're a diverse team of professionals with a shared commitment to empowering individuals, couples, families, and community groups with advanced tactical knowledge and skills.
Our F.A.S.T. Instructors and Range Safety Team boast a remarkable array of backgrounds, including former Special Forces, Military Intelligence, and Law Enforcement experts. These seasoned veterans bring hard-hitting operational experience from both domestic and international assignments. Their expertise is not just in executing precise tactical maneuvers but also in analyzing complex situations, making them ideal mentors for comprehensive preparedness training.
Beyond their professional prowess, our instructors are community members, parents, and responsible citizens, deeply invested in the safety and security of their neighborhoods. This personal commitment to protection and readiness resonates in their training approach, ensuring that every participant gains not only tactical skills but also the confidence and mental fortitude required in critical situations.
F.A.S.T. Brigade is dedicated to offering unparalleled tactical training that is inclusive, engaging, and tailored to meet the unique needs of every participant. Whether you're looking to protect your family, enhance your personal security skills, or build a resilient community, our instructors are here to guide you every step of the way.


Tel: 505-980-0650

Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

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